朱尽晖,1968年生,上海市人。陕西省美术家协会主席,西安美术学院院长、学术委员会主任,国家二级教授、博导。“高层次特支计划”文化艺术领域领军人才、“六个一批”人才。CIMAM 国际现当代美术馆联盟理事,国务院学位委员会教指委委员,教育部全国美育教指委副主任,中国美协理事,中国美协综合材料绘画艺委会副主任,中国美协国家重大题材创作艺委会委员,全国美展、国家艺术基金评委。作品入选第九、第十、第十三届全国美展并获奖,在国内外重要美术馆举办联展及个展并被外交部、艺术机构永久收藏。主持《百年美术创作中的人民性研究》获批国家社科基金艺术学重大项目。
主要致力于中国画研究、综合材料绘画、公共艺术创作与研究,作品获陕西美术奖金奖,先后入选进京第九、第十、第十三届全国美术作品展、第十一届中国艺术节全国优秀美术作品展、第五届全国画院美术作品展、“丝路起点 回望长安”——长安画派与长安画坛国画作品晋京展、“时代精神”——西安美术学院作品晋京展、第二届全国(宁波)综合材料绘画双年展、第一至五届丝绸之路国际艺术节今日丝绸之路国际美术邀请展、“行进一带一路 对话中华文明”国际美术邀请展、“倡导绿色生活 共建生态文明”——全国美术作品展、中国《西部·西部》艺术大展、陕西省庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年美术作品展等国家级展览。在中国美术馆、新加坡国家美术馆、日本新东京美术馆、上海美术馆、广东美术馆、浙江美术馆、保利拍卖、驻亚美尼亚使馆等举办联展及个展并被外交部、艺术机构永久收藏。主持创作了西藏布达拉宫广场《雪域文明》大型浮雕壁画,宁夏河东机场《人文·未来》壁画等具有影响力的公共艺术。出版专着6部,学术论文发表C刊及权威核心期刊30余篇,主持国家级重大科研项目10余项。
Born in August 1968, Zhu Jinhui is a native of Shanghai. He is the President of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Director of Academic Committee, National Second-grade Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. He has the titles of Outstanding Teacher of Shaanxi Province, “Six-batch” Talent of Publicity Department and Leading Talent in the Field of Culture and Art. He is the Director of CIMAM, Deputy Director of Art Committee for Comprehensive Material Painting of China Artists Association, Member of Art Committee for Fine Arts Creation on National Major Themes of China Artists Association, Deputy Director of the National Teaching and Steering Committee for Aesthetic Education of the Ministry of Education, Member of National Committee for Terms in Arts, Executive Deputy Director of the Institute of Comprehensive Material Painting of China National Academy of Painting, Judge of the National Fine Arts Exhibition, Judge of the China National Arts Fund, Judge of the National Social Science Fund of China, Painter of the Yang Xiaoyang Studio of China National Academy of Painting, Director of the Art Committee for Comprehensive Material Painting of Shaanxi Artists Association, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee for Chinese Landscape Painting Academy of Shaanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, Deputy Director of the Art Institute of Loess Painting School, Chairman of Shaanxi Sports Culture and Arts Association.
He is mainly devoted to the study of traditional Chinese painting, comprehensive material painting, public art creation and research. His works was awarded the Gold Award of Shaanxi Arts Award. His works have been selected in the 9th, 10th and 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, the National Exhibition of Excellent Fine Arts of the 11th China Art Festival, the 5th Fine Arts Exhibition of All Painting Academies of China, “Looking Back at Chang’an from the Starting Point of the Silk Road” – Works Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Paintings of Chang’an Painting School and Chang’an Painting Circles in Beijing, “Time Spirit” – Works Exhibition of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, the 2nd China (Ningbo) Comprehensive Material Painting Biennale, the International Art Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Silk Road of the 1st to 5th Silk Road International Arts Festival, “Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, Dialoging with Chinese Civilization” International Invitational Exhibition of Fine Arts, “Advocating Green Living and Co-building Ecological Civilization” - National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China West · West Art Exhibition, Shaanxi Exhibition of Fine Arts Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, and other national exhibitions. He has held joint and solo exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China, National Gallery Singapore, New Tokyo Art Museum in Japan, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangdong Museum of Art, Zhejiang Art Museum, Poly Auction, Embassy in Armenia. His works have been collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and art institutions permanently. He presided over the creation of influential public art such as large relief fresco of Snow Land Civilization of Potala Palace Square in Tibet, and fresco of Humanities · Future in Ningxia Hedong Airport. He has published 6 monographs and more than 30 academic papers in C-journal and authoritative core journals. He has presided over more than 10 major scientific projects at national level.