朱尽晖艺术简介 Introduction
  • 2020年01月作品入选由中国国家博物馆、中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会主办的“瑞彩平安——二〇二〇新春展”
    In January 2020, the works was selected into the “Ruicai Ping’an – 2020 New Spring Festival” sponsored by the National Museum of China, China Artists Association and China Calligraphers Association.
  • 2020年10月作品《丝路冰川》入选由陕西省人民政府、陕西省文化和旅游厅、宝鸡市人民政府主办的第九届陕西省艺术节
    In October 2020, the works titled Glacier along the Silk Road was selected into the Nineth Shaanxi Provincial Arts Festivals sponsored by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province, Culture and Tourism Department of Shaanxi Province and Baoji Municipal People’s Government.
  • 2020年11月作品《人像二》入选由中国国家博物馆、中国美术家协会主办的中国素描—现当代着名美术家作品邀请展
    In November 2020, the works titled Portrait II was selected into the Chinese traditional sketch – Invitational Exhibition of Famous Modern and Contemporary Chinese Artists sponsored by the National Museum of China and China Artists Association.
  • 2020年12月作品《兀立》入选由中国美术家协会、宁波美术馆主办的中国美协综合材料绘画与美术作品保存修复艺委会成立十周年学术研究展
    In December 2020, the works titled Stand Upright was selected into the China Artists Association Comprehensive Material Painting and Artwork Conservation and Restoration Art Committee 10th Anniversary Academic Research Exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association and Ningbo Museum of Art.
  • 2019年08月作品《天之道》《青山绿水》入选第22届北京艺术博览会
    In August 2019, the works titled Natural Law and Green Hills and Clear Waters were selected into the 22nd Art Exposition Beijing.
  • 2019年08月作品《丝路冰川》入选第十三届全国美术作品展,被评为“进京作品”
    In August 2019, the works titled Glacier along the Silk Road was selected into the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts and awarded as “Works in Beijing”.
  • 2019年09月作品《一念花开》(之一、之二),《万物自在》(之一、之二)入选由中国美术家协会、甬尚西泠(宁波)文化发展有限公司主办的六峰叠秀——徐里、胡伟、杨劲松、唐承华、朱尽晖、宋学智六人邀请展
    In September 2019, the works titled To Blossom (I, II) and Free Universe (I, II) were selected into the Six Overlapping Mountain Peaks – Invitational Exhibition of Xu Li, Hu Wei, Yang Jinsong, Tang Chenghua, Zhu Jiuhui and Song Xuezhi sponsored by the China Artists Association and Yongshang Xiling (Ningbo) Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
  • 2019年10月作品《硕果满枝》入选中华人民共和国外交部永久收藏驻亚美尼亚使馆展示作品
    In October 2019, the works titled Rich Fruits was selected into the Permanent Collection of Works in Embassy in Armenia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
  • 2019年12月作品《丝路冰川》入选由陕西省体育文化艺术协会、咸阳画院、咸阳画院美术馆“心向全运”主办的陕西书画名家作品邀请展
    In December 2019, the works titled Glacier along the Silk Road was selected into the Invitational Exhibition of Famous Shaanxi Calligrapher and Painters sponsored by the Shaanxi Sports, Culture and Art Association, Xianyang Art Academy and Art Museum of Xianyang Art Academy “Aspire to the National Games”.
  • 2019年12月作品《丝路冰川》获陕西美术国画金奖
    In December 2019, the works titled Glacier along the Silk Road was awarded the Gold Award of Shaanxi Fine Arts and Traditional Chinese Painting.
  • 2018年11月作品入选由陕西省体育文化艺术协会主办的“相约十四运”皖陕两地书画名家作品联展
    In November 2018, the works was selected into the “Meeting in the 14th National Games” • Joint Exhibition of Works by Famous Calligrapher and Painters in Anhui and Shaanxi sponsored by the Shaanxi Sports Culture and Arts Association.
  • 2018年09月作品《无为》获由中华人民共和国文化部、陕西省人民政府主办的第五届丝绸之路国际艺术节今日丝绸之路国际美术邀请展优秀奖
    In September 2018, the works titled Inaction was awarded the Excellence Award of the Fifth Silk Road International Arts Festival • International Art Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Silk Road sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and People’s Government of Shaanxi Province.
  • 2018年02月作品《非零度2018-1》《非零度2018-2》入选由中国国家画院主办的“写意中国——2018中国国家画院年展”
    In February 2018, the works titled Non-zero 2018-1 and Non-zero 2018-2 were selected into the “Chinese Freehand Style – 2018 Annual Exhibition of China National Academy of Painting” sponsored by the China National Academy of Painting.
  • 2017年09月作品《水墨冰川》获由中华人民共和国文化部、陕西省人民政府主办的第四届丝绸之路国际艺术节今日丝绸之路国际美术邀请展特别荣誉奖
    In September 2017, the works titled Wash Painting of Glacier was awarded the Special Recognition Award of the Fourth Silk Road International Arts Festival • International Art Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Silk Road sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and People’s Government of Shaanxi Province.
  • 2017年02月作品《冰川水墨》入选由中国国家画院、江苏省文化厅主办的第五届全国画院美术作品展览
    In February 2019, the works titled Wash Painting of Glacier was selected into the 5th Fine Arts Exhibition of All Painting Academics of China sponsored by the China National Academy of Painting and Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture.
  • 2016年10月获“纪念红军长征胜利八十周年美术作品创作展”工作突出奖
    In October 2016, he was awarded the Outstanding Performance Award of “Fine Arts Creation Exhibition Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of Victory of the Red Army’s Long March”.
  • 2016年作品《草原雄鹰》获由中国美术馆主办的中华民族大团结全国美术作品展优秀奖
    In 2016, the works titled Eagle on the Grassland was awarded the Excellence Award of the National Exhibition of Fine Arts for Great Unity of Chinese Nation sponsored by the National Art Museum of China.
  • 2016年10月作品《水墨山水之一》《水墨山水之二》入选由中共陕西省委宣传部、中国国家画院主办的“行进一带一路 对话中华文明”国际美术邀请展
    In October 2016, his works titled Ink Landscape I and Ink Landscape II were selected into the “Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, Dialoging with Chinese Civilization” International Invitational Exhibition of Fine Arts” sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of CPC and China National Academy of Painting.
  • 2016年12月获中华人民共和国第十一届艺术节全国优秀美术作品展重大贡献奖
    In December 2016, he was awarded the Significant Contribution Award of the National Exhibition of Excellent Fine Arts of the Eleventh China Art Festival
  • 2016年08月作品《空山听雨》入选由陕西省文学艺术界联合会、陕西省美术家协会主办的大秦岭·中国嵴梁-陕西中国画作品展
    In August 2016, the works titled Listening to the Rain in Empty Mountain was selected into the Qinling Mountains · Ridge of China - Shaanxi Exhibition of Chinese Paintings sponsored by the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 2016年10月作品《冰川水墨》入选由中华人民共和国文化部主办的“中华人民共和国第十一届艺术节全国优秀美术作品展”
    In October 2016, the works titled Wash Painting of Glacier was selected into the “National Exhibition of Excellent Fine Arts of the Eleventh China Art Festival” sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China.
  • 2015年09月作品《浮云载山山欲行》获由中华人民共和国文化部、陕西省人民政府主办的第二届丝绸之路国际艺术节今日丝绸之路国际美术邀请展特别荣誉奖
    In September 2015, the works titled Mountain Scenery After Raining was awarded the Special Recognition Award of the Second Silk Road International Arts Festival • International Art Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Silk Road sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and People’s Government of Shaanxi Province.
  • 2015年11月作品《太白山梁》获由陕西省文化厅、陕西省文学艺术界联合会、陕西省美术家协会主办的第二届陕西美术写生作品展优秀奖
    In November 2015, the works titled Ridge of Taibai Mountain was awarded the Excellence Award of the 2nd Shaanxi Exhibition of Fine Arts Sketch Works sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture, Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 2014年04月作品《空山》获由陕西省美术家协会主办的“第二届西安·台北艺术名家交流展”优秀奖
    In April 2014, the works titled Empty Mountain was awarded the Excellence Award of the “The 2nd Xi’an · Taipei Artists Exchange Exhibition” sponsored by the Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 2014年08月作品《空山听雨、几重曲声》入选由中华人民共和国文化部、中国美术家协会主办的第十二届全国美术作品展览
    In August 2014, works titled Listening to the Rain in Empty Mountain A Few Repeats was selected into the Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and China Artists Association.
  • 2014年09月作品《浮云载山山欲行》获由中华人民共和国文化部、陕西省人民政府主办的首届丝绸之路国际艺术节今日丝绸之路国际美术邀请展优秀奖
    In September 2014, the works titled Mountain Scenery After Raining was awarded the Excellence Award of the First Silk Road International Arts Festival • International Art Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Silk Road sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and People’s Government of Shaanxi Province.
  • 2014年10月作品《空山听雨 几重曲声》获由陕西省文化厅、陕西省文学艺术界联合会、陕西省美术家协会主办的陕西省庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年美术作品展览优秀奖
    In October 2014, the works titled Listening to the Rain in Empty Mountain A Few Repeats was awarded the Excellence Award of the Shaanxi Exhibition of Fine Arts Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture, Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 2012年09月作品《四时四方》入选由陕西省文化厅主办的纪念毛泽东《讲话》发表70周年“陕西人精神”美术书法作品展
    In September 2012, the works titled Four Seasons and Four Directions was selected into the “Spirit of Shaanxi People” Exhibition of Fine Arts and Calligraphy Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Publication of Mao Zedong’s Speech sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture.
  • 2009年05月作品《2009生发绵延》入选由中国美术家协会主办的“倡导绿色生活 共建生态文明——全国美术作品展”
    In May 2009, the works titled 2009 Continuity and Sustainability was selected into the “Advocating Green Living and Co-building Ecological Civilization - National Exhibition of Fine Arts” sponsored by the China Artists Association.
  • 2004年08月作品《绿色·环保·生命》入选由中华人民共和国文化部、中国美术家协会主办的第十届全国美术作品展
    In August 2004, the works titled Green · Environmental Protection · Life was selected into the Tenth National Exhibition of Fine Arts sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and China Artists Association.
  • 2004年09月作品《格物致治》获由中共陕西省委宣传部、陕西省文化厅、陕西省美术家协会主办的庆祝建国五十五周年陕西省美术作品展览三等奖
    In September 2004, the works titled Investigation and Research was awarded the Third Prize of the Shaanxi Exhibition of Fine Arts Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of CPC, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 2003年06月作品《流》获第三届亚洲纤维艺术展二等奖
    In June 2003, the works titled Flow was awarded the Second Prize of the 3rd Asia Fiber Art Exhibition.
  • 2001年12月作品《祥云》入选由中国美术家协会、陕西省人民政府主办的中国·西安2001《西部·西部》艺术大展
    In December 2001, the works titled Auspicious Clouds was selected into the China · Xi’an 2001 West · West Art Exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association and People’s Government of Shaanxi Province.
  • 2001年07月作品《天圆地方》获由中国美术家协会、中共陕西省委宣传部、陕西省文化厅、陕西省文学艺术界联合会、陕西省美术家协会主办的纪念中国共产党诞辰80周年“延安颂”美术作品展二等奖
    In July 2001, the works titled Orbicular Sky and Rectangular Earth was awarded the Second Prize of “Ode to Yan’an” Fine Arts Exhibition Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China sponsored by the China Artists Association, Propaganda Department of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of CPC, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture, Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Shaanxi Artists Association.
  • 1999年12月作品《SOS保护环境》入选由中华人民共和国文化部、中国美术家协会主办的第九届全国美术作品展
    In December 1999, the works titled SOS Environmental Protection was selected into the 9th National Exhibition of Fine Arts sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and China Artists Association.